As I am engaged in active research projects, my CV is continuously being updated to reflect on-going and recently published contributions to academia. Please contact for the most recent version.


PhD in Learning Literacies and Technologies                                              May 2024

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

MEd in Learning Design and Technologies                                                                  May 2020

            Arizona State University, Online

BA in Special Education and Elementary Education                                                  May 2010

            Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ


RESEARCH INTERESTS____________________________________________

Teacher uncertainty; Using uncertainty as a pedagogical tool in math and science classrooms; Mathematical Uncertainty; Evaluating and improving teacher professional development; Incorporating collaborative discourse into STEM classrooms


RESEARCH EXPERIENCE__________________________________________

Graduate Research Assistant                                                                                  2020 – 2024

Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University

  • Dr. Carla Firetto: Focused on productive discourse and Quality Talk; contributed to research evaluating effective study strategies and STEM discussions with teachers and students; collaborated in writing NSF grant applications

  • Dr. Michelle Jordan: Focused on teacher uncertainty; contributed to an NSF grant along with Dr. Ying-Chih Chen on epistemic uncertainty in STEM classrooms

  • Contributed to Mixed Methods and Design-Based Research studies

  • Transdisciplinary collaboration with faculty and fellow doctoral students across departments, as well as members of the community

  • Created observation and interview protocols, conducted observations and interviews, and created surveys for research; experience writing grants and manuscripts

  • Designed and lead teacher professional development surrounding problem-based learning and using student uncertainty as a pedagogical tool for science and math teachers

  • Experience designing and implementing syllabi for teacher preparation courses

  • Experience exploring teacher perceptions and how they impact change in pedagogical practice



Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (published or under review)

  1. Starrett, E., & Firetto, C. M. (under review). Purposefully embedding uncertainty into teacher preparation: A qualitative exploration of pre-service teachers’ personal, pedagogical, and mathematical uncertainty. Teaching and Teacher Education.(submitted 12/6/23)

  2. Chen, Y.-C., Jordan, M. E., Park, J., Starrett, E. (in press). Navigating student uncertainty for productive struggle: Establishing the need for and distinguishing types, sources, and desirability of scientific uncertainties. Science Education.

  3. Starrett, E., Jordan, M., Chen, Y.-C., Park, J. & Meza-Torres, C. (2024). Desirable uncertainty in science teaching: Exploring teachers’ perceptions and practice of using student scientific uncertainty as a pedagogical resource. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140, 104456.

  4. Starrett, E., Firetto, C. M. & Jordan, M. E. (2022). Navigating sources of teacher uncertainty: Exploring teachers’ collaborative discourse when learning a new instructional approach. Classroom Discourse, 14(1), 45-68.

  5. Firetto, C. M., Starrett, E., & Jordan, M. E. (2023). Embracing a culture of talk: STEM teachers’ discussion engagement and enactment. International Journal of STEM Education. 10(50), 1-21. 

  6. Firetto, C. M., Starrett, E., & Jordan, M. E. (2023).  Using small-group discussion to foster in-service teachers’ comprehension and instruction of sustainable energy transitions through PV science. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 1-33. 

  7. Firetto, C. M., Starrett, E., Collins Montalbano, A., Yan, L., Penkrot, T. A., Kingsbury, J. S., & Hyatt, J.-P. K. (2023). The impact of effective study strategy use in an introductory anatomy and physiology class. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1161772.

  8. Yan, L., Firetto C. M., Starrett, E., Kingbury, J. S., Penkrot, T. A., & Hyatt, J.-P. K. (2023). Exploring supports or incentives to promote undergraduate students’ use of cooperative study groups. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 4.

  9.  Starrett, E. (2022). Role ambiguity among secondary teachers. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 201-205). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

  10. Park, J., Starrett, E., Chen, Y.-C., Jordan, M. (2022). Facilitating productive struggle in science education: The possible benefits of managing scientific uncertainty during sensemaking. In Chinn, C., Tan, E., Chan, C., & Kali, Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2022.

  11. Warr, M., & Starrett, E. (2021). Exploring technology adoption amidst uncertainty. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 801-810). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (in preparation)

  1. Starrett, E., Jordan, M., Chen, Y.-C., Park, J., & Meza-Torres, C. (in preparation). Science teachers’ perceptions and practice of student uncertainty in science instruction: The changes experienced after engaging in a practice-based professional development. Science Education.

  2. Jordan, M. E., Firetto, C. M., Starrett, E., & Ricca, B. (in preparation). Meaning construction through small-group discussions: STEM teachers’ trajectories of uncertainty navigation and multiple source use. Journal TBD – Cognition and Instruction.

  3. Firetto, C. M., Yan, L., Starrett, E., Jabar, L., Kingsbury, J. (in preparation). Using study-group discussions to promote cross-system integration in an introductory anatomy and physiology course. Journal TBD.

  4. Starrett, E., & Pivovarova, M. (in preparation). Role ambiguity and technology adoption. Journal TBD.

  5. Starrett, E., & Beghetto, R. (in preparation). Designing problematized instruction: How can mathematical uncertainty be embedded into lesson design? Journal TBD.

  6. Starrett, E. (in preparation). Mathematical uncertainty: A design-based-research study in a secondary mathematics classroom. Journal TBD. 

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS___________________________________

National Conferences

  1. Starrett, E. (2024, February). Embedding mathematical uncertainty into problematized instruction. Interactive workshop at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Regional Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA.

  2. Starrett, E. (2024, February). Differentiating between desirable and undesirable uncertainties. Interactive workshop at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Regional Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA.

  3. Starrett, E., & Firetto, C. M. (2024, April). Purposefully embedding uncertainty into a mathematics teacher preparation course. Presenting at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.

  4. Starrett, E., Park, J., Meza-Torres, C., Jordan, M. E., & Chen, Y.-C. (2024, April). Science teachers’ perceptions and practice of uncertainty: The changes experienced after engaging in professional development. Presenting at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.

  5. Park, J., Starrett, E., Meza-Torres, C., Chen, Y.-C., & Jordan, M. E. (2024, April). Understanding multiple dimensions of how students manage uncertainty for productive struggle. Presenting at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.

  6. Firetto, C.M., Yan, L., Starrett, E., Jaber, L., Kingsbury, J. S., Penkrot, T. A., & Hyatt, J.-P. K. (2024, April). Examining undergraduate anatomy and physiology students’ connection generation in collaborative online study groups. Presenting at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.

  7. Starrett, E., & Firetto, C. M. (2023, October). The role of uncertainty in mathematics teacher education. Presented at the Scholarly Consortium of Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE), Portland, OR.

  8. Jordan, M. E., Firetto, C. M., Starrett, E., & Meza-Torres, C. (2023, October). Navigating the study of teacher and student uncertainty in STEM learning. Presented at the Scholarly Consortium of Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE), Portland, OR.

    ** Nominated for an innovation in research award

  9. Starrett, E., Park, J., Chen, Y.-C., & Jordan, M. E. (2023, April). Exploring science teachers’ perceptions and management of students’ desirable uncertainty. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.

  10. Park, J., Starrett, E., Chen, Y.-C., & Jordan, M. E. (2023, April). Theoretical framework for understanding studentexperiences of productive struggle: Types, sources, and desirability of uncertainties. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.

  11. Firetto, C. M., Starrett, E., Yan, L., Hyatt, J.-P., & Penkrot, T. (2023, April). Promoting collaborative study strategy use with biology undergraduate students. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.

  12. Park, J., Starrett, E., Chen, Y.-C., Jordan, M. E. (2022, July). Facilitating productive struggle in science education: The possible benefits of managing scientific uncertainty during sensemaking. 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Virtual.

  13. Firetto, C. M., Montalbano, A. C., Starrett, E., Yan, L., Hyatt, J.-P., & Penkrot, T. (2022, August). A study strategy module for biology undergraduates: Uptake and impact. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Virtual.

  14. Starrett, E. (2022, April). Role Ambiguity Among Secondary Teachers. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Virtual.

  15. Firetto, C. M., Starrett, E., Jaber, L., & Kingsbury, J. (2021, October). Using Study-Group Discussions to Promote Cross-System Integration in an Introductory Anatomy and Physiology Course. SCIPIE, Virtual.

  16. Firetto, C. M., Starrett, E., Jordan, M. E. (2021, April). Embedding Authentic Discussions in Professional Development to Promote Science Teachers’ Discussion Competency and Enactment. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Virtual.

  17. Warr, M. & Starrett, E. (2021, March).Exploring technology adoption amidst uncertainty.Presented at theannual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Virtual    

State and Local Presentations

  1. Starrett, E. (2023, November). The role of uncertainty in pre-service teacher education. ISSR poster competition and presentation at Arizona State University.

  2. Starrett, E. (2021, November). Role ambiguity – ISSR poster competition and presentation at Arizona State University, Virtual.

  3. Starrett, E. (2021, February). How can I help you? A collaborative action research proposal. Presented at the annual conference of the Teachers College Doctoral Council at Arizona State University, Virtual.



Certified in Secondary Mathematics (WA)

  • Prior certifications: Secondary Math (AZ); Special Education K-12 (AZ); Elementary Education (AZ)

TA - Instructor of Record (MTE 311) Spring 2023

Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics for K-8 Teaching

Arizona State University, AZ

TA mentorship (EPD 311) Fall 2021

Educational Psychology for Future Teachers

Arizona State University, AZ

Secondary Math Teacher                                                                                                2017 – 2020

            Bellevue School District, WA

            Scottsdale Unified School District, AZ

Special Education Teacher                                                                                             2010 – 2017

            Scottsdale Unified School District, AZ

            Washington Elementary School District, AZ

Teacher mentor for prospective teachers                                                                     2014, 2015, 2019

            Scottsdale Unified School District, AZ         



Arizona State University; PhD                                                                                   2020 - Present

  • Collaboratively designed and facilitated practice-based professional development programs for math and science teachers centered around:

    • Problem-based learning

    • Using student uncertainty as a pedagogical resource

  • Independently designed and facilitated interactive professional development workshops for math teachers centered around:

    • Embedding mathematical uncertainty into problematized instruction

    • Redesigning instruction to include inclusive and equitable practices

  • Collaboratively designed an online instructional module to support undergraduate students form and engage in productive study groups

    • Module utilized in research as an intervention

Arizona State University; MEd                                                                                        2019-2020

  • Developed an online instructional module focused on supporting teachers in the Bellevue School District (WA) learn how analyze student academic data in the new district data analytic program, Data Insights

    • Completed a needs assessment for the district, created a functional prototype to pilot test, conduced focus groups, revised to create the final instructional course

    • Served as the Instructional Designer and Project Manager

    • Worked in collaboration with the subject matter expert and technology training specialist


PROFESSIONAL SERVICE________               _________________________

LLT Program Committee Representative                                                                  2022 – Present

Graduate student mentor 2021 – Present

Manuscript review                                                              2021 – Present

Mathematics Teacher Education and Development Journal

CITE (Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education) Math Journal

APA Division 15 Convention


AWARDS AND HONORS___________________________________________

LLT Award (travel funding)                                            2020 – Present

Arizona State University Graduate Fellowship Award                                           2021, 2022, 2023


PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS____________________________________

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2023 – Present

American Psychological Association (APA) 2023 – Present

American Educational Research Associate (AERA)                                                 2020 – Present

Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)                       2020 – Present



Washington State PD workshops 2022 – Present

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching

  • Social Emotional Learning

  • Using mathematical routines to meet standards have learning challenges, ELL, or Special Education

  • Exploring equitable STEM

  • Sensory strategies for an inclusive classrom

  • Media literacy across the curriculum

  • ChatGPT: A tool for teachers

Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) online workshops                              2020 – Present

  • Writing a literature review

  • Cross-cultural research

  • Content analysis

  • Grounded theory

  • Qualitative data analysis

Introduction to Statistics (Coursera)                      August, 2022

Yellowdig Certification Course August, 2021


Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I love to collaborate and share ideas!